Relative Levels, Loudness, and Normalization

Sequencing an album requires adjustment of the levels of each tune. We've seen that the ear judges loudness by the average, not peak levels of the music. We've also seen that compression and limiting change the loudness of the music by changing the peak to average ratio. Normalization is the process of finding the highest peak, and raising the gain until it reaches 0 dBFS. But do not use normalization to adjust the relative loudness of tunes, or
you will end up with nonsense. The ear is the final arbiter of relative loudness of tunes. But the ear can be fooled, it's better at making relative than absolute judgments. We've all had the experience of mixing at night, and returning in the morning to find everything sounds much louder! So don't make your judgments by "needle drops"...play the end of each tune going into the beginning of the next. It's the only way..

Do you know when the musicians are out of tune?

Quelle: Bob Katz